
Error: [com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxLazyExce...


Learn about SeaLights

In this first chapter of the user guide, we help you get familiar with SeaLights concepts and technologies: Quality Intelligence Technology Test Coverage Sea...

Contact Sealights Support

Get in touch with Sealights Customer Support: When requesting technical assistance from Sealights Support Team, please make sure you’re providing us enough i...

How-to articles

Overview of the TIA Process Test Impact Analysis with Selection On How to setup the build scanner? Settings Area How to create an environment and add code co...

Agents - Setup & Configuration

Installing our agents - Typical Setup Prerequisites SeaLights Java agents SeaLights Node.js agent SeaLights .NET agent SeaLights .NET Core Agent Sealights Pl...

Using the Sealights Cockpit

To view the Cockpit menu, select the Cockpit option on the top right of the Dashboard screen. Cockpit menu is accessible only to Sealights DevOps users per t...

Reporting an Integration Build to Sealights

In cases where the application you want to see coverage for consists of multiple components or microservices, we will report these components individually, b...

Running Tests in Parallel (Lab Id)

Linking test runner and test listener using Lab ID Running Test stages in parallel using different Lab IDs Using Java Agents - Running Tests in Parallel (Lab...

SeaLights Chrome Extension

Installation and Setup for SeaLights Chrome extension Using the Code Viewer to view coverage data Distributing Chrome Extension in Organizations

Analyzing Pull Requests with SeaLights

The SeaLights Pull Request Integration exposes Quality Risks to the developer as part of the Pull Request process, to be displayed and handled before the cod...

User Management

For any user management operation, please consult the following articles: Settings - User and Permissions Sealights roles and permissions Matrix Single Sign ...

Dashboard's Build Statuses

Sealights' Dashboard shows potentially four different statuses per build reported for every application. We have summarized them for you in the table below. ...

Setting up Sealights Notifications

Sealights provides ability to receive notifications on builds reported to the Dashboard. These notifications are available for the following channels: Slack ...


Get Agent Default Version Integration Builds Test Sessions API (a.k.a TIA API)

Sample Integrations

Integrating Test Executions from various Testing Frameworks Using Sealights from a Jenkins Pipeline job Generating a Trend Report (Quality Analytics) Generat...

Troubleshooting/Frequent issues

Error: [com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxLazyException] Undeclared namespace prefix "warning" (for attribute "_") at [row,col {unknown-source}]: [385,221]

Best Practices

SeaLights best practices for how to measure the impact of changes to your applications and improve the quality of what is delivered. This assumes that you al...


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